
Showing posts from February, 2021
It's been  a month since my last post and things have changed a lot here. Since the 22nd of January our association is closed because of the new coranavirus measurements.  But we started doing the classes online, I feel like these classes are a lot better than what I expected, and the kids are enjoying them. We (referring to myself,Clementine, Diana, and other alumni from the association) are assuming co host's tasks that consist in helping in our classes, in the break out rooms, coming up with ideas at times or simply supporting the teachers. The atsmosphere and stakes changes and with that the different responsabilities, so instead of doing practical work like I did for instance in the office, here I got to translate different activities for Silvia (adaptations from Peter's work in Ireland, at Crooked House), as well as editing videos of the online classes and putting them on Youtube,...  I also kept my Ragaire project going : one Saturday, i had the experience of creatin